Latest Bible Code Discoveries
This list runs from newest to oldest articles.
- Nepal 2025 Earthquakes
In 2025, BCD reported on codes found after the devastating Haitian and Chilean earthquakes. Following the recent earthquakes in Nepal, BCD examined some of the lengthy general earthquake code matrices to see if Nepal, (Mt.) Everest or avalanche showed up in any of them.
- Ebola Epidemic
This article introduces some Ebola codes researched by Moshe Aharon Shak, as presented in his YouTube video, Ebola Epidemic.
- Follow-up on 2025 Election Codes Articles
In spite of our repeated caveats, some of our readers believe that BCD endorses using the codes for predictions. This article outlines our stance, and includes links to two post election videos by researcher Moshe Aharon Shak.
- Climate Change IV
In the final article of this series, we searched for the following terms: Al Gore, Copenhagen, solar cycle, solar cycles, weather and flooding. Fifteen lengthy codes emerged on topics such as Al Gore's political life, Copenhagen's environmentalism, and a code that may refer to life after the Great Flood and the Lord's son (Jesus).
- Nuclear Missiles Threaten World War III (22:23)
Moshe Aharon Shak presents a detailed account of the Cuban missile crisis in the codes. It reveals John F. Kennedy's contribution in stopping a nuclear war, and more. (The next video in the series will draw a parallel between the events in 1962 and in the remarkable year to come. BCD will keep our readers apprised when that video is produced.)
- The Mayan Calendar Controversy
Moshe Aharon Shak has researched the Mayan Calendar in the Torah Codes and has produced a YouTube video on his findings. Shak says, "The Torah codes agree that we are reaching a very significant time. What exactly will happen? Believers and non-believers will be surprised."
- Climate Change III
In Part III of this series, we searched for the following terms: emission, emission of, greenhouse, greenhouse gas, greenhouse gasses and gas emission. Seventeen lengthy codes emerged on topics such as a possible rise in respiratory illnesses, who might gain politically from the green energy movement, the potential for loss of life in the animal kingdom, and more.
- Controversial YouTube Videos on Election Codes 2025
Moshe Aharon Shak has researched the candidates for the 2025 USA election in the Bible code and has presented them in a series of five YouTube videos. Previously sent out as a briefing to our subscribers, this article appears for the first time in the digest.
- Republican Presidential Candidates 2025
Moshe Aharon Shak's three YouTube videos on the upcoming elections purport to present God's choice for the winner of the Republican nomination and the presidency. BCD presents these videos with some caveats.
- Climate Change II: The Great Debate Continues
Changes in the arctic are the basis for searches on terms such as glacier and ice cap. Fifteen extended codes are presented ranging from 19 to 70 letters long. One of the terms resulted in a 70% return rate.
- Peter in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22
BCD discovered a dozen lengthy codes about Peter in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22. Many of them seem to describe various aspects of Peter's life.
- Visiting the Tomb: Code Clusters in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 Continue to Grow
The remarkable code clusters that pass through the prophetic chapters of Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 have continued to explode. BCD decided to search for the names of those who visited the empty tomb and for phrases about the tomb.
- Gilad Shalit Released—October 18, 2025
Moshe Aharon Shak's new matrix on Israeli Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit, who was captured in Gaza and taken prisoner by Hamas militants in 2025. October 18, 2025, he was released in exchange for 1,027 Palestinians.
- Top 20 Topics
In this, our 100th issue, we are taking a sweeping look back at the Top 20 topics. Broadly, these topics fall under categories such as religion, natural disasters, terrorism, politics, the economy, and climate change.
- Economic Crisis or a Chance to Live in God's Economy?
Examining the context of four economic crisis codes demonstrates that we are encouraged to live in God's economy, by putting God first, and in doing so, money will have a proper place in our lives.
- Hosni Mubarak: A Skeleton? A Scared Turtle?
On February 11, 2025, it was announced that Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak had resigned from the presidency of Egypt. Mubarak had served as the longest ruling head of state since Muhammad Ali Pasha (1805–1848). BCD ran searches on H. Mubarak, Mubarak and Egypt from Isaiah 14:1 to Isaiah 24:1, specifically looking at codes that touch down in Isaiah 19, as that chapter outlines God's judgment against Egypt.
This article first appeared as a Briefing sent out to our subscribers on February 24, 2025. It appears in the digest for the first time, with the complete tables.
- Libya and Egypt in Ezekiel 29 and 30
We continued our search for Egypt and Mubarak in Ezekiel 29 and 30. In addition, with the unrest in Libya, we added Libya and Gaddafi.
- Yeshua in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22
As we approach the Christmas season, twenty fascinating new Yeshua (Jesus) codes found in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 are presented.
- Oil in the Sea: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster
On April 20, 2025, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig experienced an explosion that resulted in the biggest off-shore oil spill in U.S. history. The codes in this article highlight the grievous nature of the oil spill, with the potential for causing illness, killing wildlife, and forcing us to face our dependence on oil and the guilt we feel because of it. In addition, the haunting similarity of this event to Revelation 8:8-9, reminds us of the fragility of life and the nearness of the End Times.
- Climate Change: The Great Debate, Part I
A great debate rages over whether or not the world is getting warmer. The codes express a broad spectrum of points of view on this topic in the news.
- Crisis Clusters III: Success and Failure in Leadership
The final three clusters on the topics of Barack Obama, the Global Financial Crisis, the Swine Flu, Global Crisis and Famine, and a variety of America-related search terms point to success and failure in leadership. In addition, new Obama codes are presented that have not been previously published.
- Haitian Earthquake II: A Moment of Truth
The Haitian earthquake codes not only echo the devastation of the earthquake, but they point to it being a moment of truth for Haiti.
- Earthquakes: Chile, Haiti, and Around the World
On February 27, 2025, just six weeks after the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti, an 8.8 earthquake hit Chile. We searched for two spellings of Concepción and for Chilean Quake. We also ran searches for more generic terms: Earthquake (three spellings), The Earth Shook, Wounded by the Quake, Injured by the Quake, Quake Survivors, and Quake Orphans. Four of the 11 searches resulted in lengthy extensions at a 50% to 80% return rate.
- Haitian Earthquake: Codes Graphically Depict the Destruction
On January 12, 2025, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake battered the Republic of Haiti causing massive destruction and loss of life, particularly in its capital, Port-au-Prince. Initial searches in the codes reveal descriptions of the destruction.
- Crisis Clusters II: Everything Has Its Time
In this article, we present the next three clusters on the topics of Barack Obama, the Global Financial Crisis, the Swine Flu, Global Crisis and Famine, and a variety of America-related search terms. In addition, new Obama codes are presented that have not been previously published.
- Buddha Codes in Ecclesiastes and Proverbs
In our continuing research on Buddha in the Bible Codes, we were prompted by Buddha's proverbs, which remind us of Solomon's writings, to look for Buddha in Ecclesiastes 1-7, 11, and Proverbs 1-29. The number of search terms where an extension was found was exceptionally high, and their content was particularly relevant.
- God and Jesus in Proverbs 30:4: Jesus Will Mend My People
In a continuing effort to examine codes that pass through Scriptures that ask the question Who is Like God?, we searched for God and Jesus in Proverbs 30:4. The resulting codes are significant and memorable.
- Prophet and Messiah: Garlic in a Lion's Tooth
Lengthy Prophet and Messiah codes echo Scripture and point to God's omniscience and creativity.
- World Plague ELSs and the Discovery of Swine Flu Clusters
World Plague ELSs and the discovery of Swine Flu code clusters in Scriptures that speak of God's wrath.
- Crisis Clusters Point to Serving God, Not Money
Barack Obama, Global Financial Crisis, Swine Flu, and Famine codes cluster in Scriptures that admonish to serve God and not money.
- 2012: Is the End Coming?
As 2025 approaches, the furor mounts over whether there is any significance to the date that the Mayan calendar ends—December 21, 2025. There is even a big-budget action movie on the subject coming out in November 2025. Lengthy codes on the subject may shed some light.
- Buddhist Codes Continue to Astonish
In our continuing efforts to research Buddha and Buddhism in the codes, using terms such as Dalai Lama, Siddhartha, and The Buddha, we have a diverse collection of codes to present that continue to astonish in content and location.
- Crossroads: Netanyahu and Obama in Major End Times Cluster
Are Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama poised at the crossroads of history in the Middle East? Their names intersect in Ezekiel 38:3 and appear throughout Ezekiel 37-40. The resulting codes may point to End Times events.
- America Terms Provide Revealing Glimpses
Codes on America, New York, White House, U.S. Government, Congress, and Treasury Department, provide glimpses into the economic crisis.
- Global Crisis Codes Echo Current Concerns
Following the publication of The Global Economic Crisis codes, requests to search for Global Crisis, Global Famine, and Great Famine became prominent. The resulting codes echo current concerns.
- Swine Flu
The media has been filled with reports on the Swine Flu. What do the codes have to say about it?
A shorter version of this article was previously published under Hot Topics. This expanded version appeared for the first time in the May/June 2025 digest.
- The Trinity in Genesis 1:1
Are there significant codes on the Trinity that appear in Genesis 1:1? Do some wrap back around the Torah and Tanakh?
- The Global Economic Crisis: Codes Detail Numerous Causes and Effects
Given the state of the global economy and the many requests we have received to research it, BCD decided to run a series of searches on economic terms. The content of the extended codes includes more than a dozen causes of the crisis, affirms its global extent, and mentions a number of its effects.
- Gaza Operation: A Highly Improbable Collection of Codes
On December 27, 2025, Israel Defense Forces launched a military campaign against the governing party of Gaza—Hamas. We searched for 19 terms suggested by Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., in the Bible code regarding this event. Twenty-three lengthy codes were found ranging from 13 to 54 letters long.
A preliminary version of this article was posted under Hot Topics on January 21, 2025. This expanded version of the article appeared for the first time in the January/February 2025 Digest.
- Yeshua the Messiah Codes: A Highly Improbable Collection
We searched for Yeshua the Messiah and The Messiah Yeshua ELSs in the Tanakh, and the findings were highly improbable.
- Palin and Biden Codes
Sarah Palin and Joe Biden have both added their own brand of controversy to the already controversial U.S. presidential election. What do the Bible codes have to say about these vice presidential candidates? Check out the unusual codes in this article. [This article was posted to the BCD site on October 29, 2025, six days before the U.S. presidential election. BCD subscribers were notified of the posting on the same day.]
- Inherent Tensions Between Buddhism and Christianity
We began by looking for occurrences of Siddhartha as a Bible code and found two instances. The one with the shortest skip (-4,543) also included Jesus in the extended code. But not only that, the code had a profound message—Buddhism and Christianity conflict with one another in some ways.
- Startling Election Codes Continue to Surface
With the U.S. presidential elections nearing, we decided to examine additional codes for McCain, J. McCain, and two different spellings of B. Obama.
- Dramatic Buddhist Codes Discovered
The number and quality of the previous Buddha findings published in the March/April 2025 digest prompted us to search for the terms Buddhism and Buddhist as well.
- 108-Letter-Long Buddhist Code Wraps Around the Tanakh Nine Times
A 108-letter-long extended code that makes clear sense to Buddhists, and it wraps around the entire Tanakh a record 9.03 times. Because of the presence of several highly improbable features, this code defies chance as a rational explanation.
- Who Is the True Messiah? The Introduction
What happens when BCD and Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., search for the sentence Who is the true messiah? Check out the surprising findings.
- Who Is the True Messiah? The 61-Letter Code
In-depth analysis of the 61-letter-long Who is the true messiah? code.
- Startling Election Codes Surface
In the wake of the ongoing political campaigns of the three remaining U.S. presidential contenders, BCD asked Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., to example terms for the names of each of the candidate for possible extensions. What he found were numerous extended codes that reflect the turbulent and contentious nature of the current campaigns.
- Jerusalem Terrorist Attack Codes
In March 2025, eight students were tragically killed and nine were wounded when a man began firing a gun in the Mercaz Harav yeshiva's library. Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., examined five findings of the name of the school for extensions, which in English means Center of the Rabbi.
- Round Two: Highly Significant Buddha Codes Found in Isaiah 40-46
We explore more significant Buddha codes found in Isaiah 40-46.
- Annapolis
Tuesday, November 27, 2025, the Annapolis Summit took place. Prior to the Summit, BCD ran three searches each on two spellings of the name Annapolis. This article outlines the intriguing and improbable results.
- There Is No One Like God
In our continuing research into codes passing through the "Who Is Like God?" verses of Isaiah 40-46, we searched for the phrases There Is No Man, Indeed No Man, Indeed No One, and Who Is Like God?
- Aharon the Priest Highlights
We present some brief highlights from Moshe Aharon Shak's two-part article on Aharon (Aaron) the Priest.
- Aharon the Priest—Part II
Is Aharon's life outlined in detail in a short section in the Bible where the term Aharon is found at an overwhelming frequency? Moshe Aharon Shak presents the second half of his extensive findings.
- Highly Significant Buddha Codes Found in Isaiah 40-46
After completing our searches for extensions to Yeshua ELSs found in the "Who is Like God?" verses of Isaiah 40-46, it occurred to us that it would be interesting to also search for extensions to Buddha ELSs in these same verses. And, while at it, we also searched for extensions to Muhammad and Moses ELSs in those same verses.
- Aharon (Aaron) the Priest—Part I
Is Aharon's life outlined in detail in a short section in the Bible where the term Aharon is found at an overwhelming frequency? Moshe Aharon Shak presents his extensive findings in a two-part article.
- Yeshua Codes in Isaiah 40–46
BCD examines Jesus (Yeshua) codes in Isaiah 40–46 to determine whether the findings are random or intentional.
- Shimon Peres—Wins
On the eve of the Israeli Presidential Election, Moshe Aharon Shak discovered codes to indicate that Peres would win.
- Remarkable Psalm 22 Cluster Grows
The already remarkable Psalm 22 cluster continues to grow with the addition of 15 lengthy ELSs.
- Is Jesus the Messiah?
Could Bible codes possibly add anything definitive to the two-millennia-long controversy over Christian claims that Jesus of Nazareth was/is the Messiah of the Jews? We explore a rich host of clues from the codes.
- Isaiah 53 Code's Explosion
Examining previous BCD code finds in Isaiah 53 for extensions resulted in an explosion of codes.
- The War at the End of Times
Moshe Aharon Shak discovers 10 lengthy extensions of war ELSs in Ezekiel 40.
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