Best-Selling Bible Code Books and Software, and Inspirational Books
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R. E. Sherman's Newest Book, Now Available! |
Wisdom 365: Daily Buddha and Daily Solomon
by R. E. Sherman
Daily parallel readings from two of the wisest men of all time, topically arranged.
In just two minutes a day take in ALL of Buddha’s proverbs next to similar proverbs of Solomon.
Never have East and West combined into such a life transforming journey.
A sweeping synthesis of the greatest wisdom of two different worlds into true common ground.
Embark on an uplifting journey. Need encouragement? Guidance? Insight? Inspiration? Motivation? Wise advice on how to live? How to find happiness? How to handle stress? How to relate to others? Advice on relationships? Coping when bad things happen? How to make a difference? Where can you turn?
Though they lived 400 years and 3,000 miles apart, they often spoke with nearly the same voice. You owe it to yourself to listen to what they had to say, with an open heart and mind. Paperback list price $13.95. Amazon price $12.56. Kindle version $2.99 To buy it.
New Book Probes Origins of Buddhism |
Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link? by R. E. Sherman
People assume Buddhism originated in India, free of any real Western influence. In this book, BCD's Ed Sherman challenges this belief. Back in 2025, BCD's code findings indicated a strong link between Buddha and portions of the Bible written by Solomon four centuries before Buddha lived. We researched this possibility and a compelling array of intriguing historical and textual evidence surfaced.
How do Judaism, Buddhism and Christianity compare? How might they be interrelated? This blockbuster book will tell you everything you need to know to better appreciate key similarities and differences. Its side-by-side comparisons are an invaluable resource. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BOOK ABOUT BIBLE CODES. Kindle Edition now available for $1.99. Retail price 13.99. Amazon price $12.59. To buy it .
Expanded Edition of Bombshell |
Bible Code Bombshell: Compelling Evidence that God Authored the Bible by R. Edwin Sherman
Bombshell examines two massive clusters of codes in the Hebrew Old Testament. One cluster consists of dozens of lengthy codes about the terrorist attacks and the Iraq war. The other cluster is full of long, controversial codes about Christ found in Isaiah 53, a passage often cited as an Old Testament prophecy of the crucifixion. R. Edwin Sherman is a nationally known consulting mathematician and has advised numerous large financial institutions, Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. He holds an M.A. in mathematics from the University of California at San Diego. Kindle Edition now available for $8.96. Retail price $13.99. Amazon price $11.89. To buy it .
All of Ed Sherman's Books Are Available in Kindle Versions.
Shop for a Kindle Today! |

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Amazon Price $229. To Buy It!
Most Popular Bible Code Software |
Top Software Programs Now Available as Downloads!
Check out Software FAQs to learn more about the Bible code search programs.
Keys to the Bible
Update of Bible Code 2025 software includes automated multi-page reporting of matrices with parameters, findings, matrix information and statistics; mirror-reverse matrix capability; eight different ways to retrieve verses; plus, bonus feature family quiz game, Bible screen saver slide show, movie clip on Bible codes, more than 100 Bible illustrations. Runs on PCs with Windows 95 through Vista and Windows 8.1.
Now available as a download for $54.95! To buy it.
Buy Keys to the Bible and The Jerusalem Dictionary Package as a download for $104.95! To buy it.
Buy Keys to the Bible and Who's Who in the Bible Package as a download for $74.95! To buy it.
CodeFinder: Millennium Edition
Favorite of researchers who focus on matrix development. Lightning fast searches of accurate texts. Hebrew-English dictionary. Allows searches of unlimited terms at once with automatic calculation of statistics. Generates complete reports. Date and number conversions. Includes Hebrew, Greek, or English texts, plus statistical control texts. Much more. Free upgrades. Version 1.23 is compatible with Windows XP-Vista-7-8 (32 & 64 bit). Available as an immediate download with complete Tutorial (download e-mail sent to you after payment).
Download now, BCD price only $62.95.
Bible Codes 2025
Based on the algorithms developed by pioneering code researcher Yoav Rosenberg (of WRR), this Israeli software gives you the ability to search for codes confidently throughout the Tanakh. Bible Codes 2025 generates reports on finds that include skips, books, chapters, verses and letter locations, as well as letter numbers. Includes Hebrew font. Creates matrices. Dictionary, concordance, name databases, more. CD. Basic system requirements. Runs on PCs with Windows 95, through Vista and Windows 7.
Now available as a download for $44.95! To buy it.
Buy Bible Codes 2025 and The Jerusalem Dictionary Package as a download for $94.95! To buy it.
Buy Bible Codes 2025 and Who's Who in the Bible Package as a download for only $64.95! To buy it.
Torah Educational Software Products |
BCD is pleased to present some new products by Torah Educational Software (TES) in our online store. These products are study tools for in-depth study of the Bible. Click on the links below to purchase.
Word by Word

Word by Word teaches the meaning and pronunciation of every Hebrew word in the book of Genesis. It teaches one word at a time, in Bible sentence context and as a standalone word. Word by Word will increase your Hebrew Reading ability and comprehension. It is an essential Bible Study tool, that will help you develop Bible Study skills that will last a lifetime. List price $49.95. On sale for $34.95. To buy it.
Word by Word teaches the meaning and pronunciation of every Hebrew word in the book of Psalms. It teaches one word at a time, in Bible sentence context and as a standalone word. List price $189.95. On sale for $159.95. To buy it.
Word by Word teaches the meaning and pronunciation of every Hebrew word in the Torah. It teaches one word at a time, in Bible sentence context and as a standalone word. List price $249.95. On sale for $139.95. To buy it.
Complete Library
Word by Word teaches the meaning and pronunciation of every Hebrew word in the Bible. It teaches one word at a time, in Bible sentence context and as a standalone word. List price $1,495.95. On sale for $1,295.95. To buy it.
Aramaic/English Dictionary
With Word by Word Aramaic Dictionary, you have instant access to 166,895 words and definitions in Aramaic or English. Word by Word Aramaic Dictionary translates Aramaic and Talmudic words to English and vice versa. When there are multiple meanings of a word, it will show them as well. Thousands of pages are instantly accessible and printable. When checking the included dictionary you will learn the meaning of the word, its proper form and root, and example of the word used in context. List price $139.95. On sale for $89.95. To buy it.
Bible Dictionary and Concordance
From the main screen, the power of Word by Word Bible Dictionary is apparent. You can translate a Hebrew or English Bible word, browse the dictionary, cross-check a translation, view synonyms, surf the Concordance and within seconds of searching get a complete picture of any word in the Bible. To start simply type in a word and its translations appear. The word can be typed in English and have the translation in Hebrew or vice versa, it will even handle the Aramaic words in the Bible. List price $139.95. On sale for $89.95. To buy it.
Additional Study Aids

Gematria is a method of interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures by interchanging words whose letters have the same numerical value when added. The Torah has many layers to it. There is the simple meaning of the words and then there are the secrets behind the words, a kind of "code" if you will. This powerful Gematria Software will help unravel the "code" and give you a new understanding of the Bible. This software will give you the ability to explore the Bible and discover new ideas that will add a new appreciation to your Bible study. List price $49.95. On sale for $19.95. To buy it.

Bible Scholar: Concordance and Search
If you need to search the Bible and want to know every occurrence of a letter, word or phrase, you can get instant results in Hebrew, English or both with this program. It is the first choice for anyone studying the Hebrew Bible. List price$169.95. On sale for $89.95. To buy it.

Read and Speak Hebrew for Adults
Read and Speak Hebrew for Adults is a nine-step easy, fun, self-study Hebrew course that will give you the tools you need to be able to speak, reach and understand Biblical and modern Hebrew. List price $69.95. On sale for $$39.95. To buy it.

Maps of Israel (Dynamic Timeline)
Maps of Israel is recognized as an essential tool for understanding the historical presence of the Israelites in the land of Israel. Maps of Israel is a geographical chronology of Jewish sovereignty in Israel and is the result of a unique project intended on providing the users with a knowledge base and visual introduction to the history of the Jewish people in Israel. At the same time the Maps chart the history of other nations in the same geographic area. List price $89.95. On sale for $79.95. To buy it.

Bible History Experience
The Biblical account of Creation carries with it the eternal lesson that our world is ordered and that there is a purpose to humanity and its history. Citing such Torah giants as the Vilna Gaon and Maimonides, Rabbi Wein examines the story of Creation from a scientific point of view, debunking the theory of evolution and making a compelling case for Intelligent Design. List price $16.95. On sale for $9.95. To buy it.

New Improved Jerusalem Dictionary II
With Jerusalem Dictionary II you can spell-check and translate a word, browse the bilingual dictionary, cross-check a translation, view tense, gender, root and more. As a standalone program, simply type in a word and its translations appear. The word can be typed in English and have the translation in Hebrew or vice versa. When run in background mode, you highlight a word (English or Hebrew) in your word processor or the Internet and press the hotkey or middle mouse button and the Jerusalem Dictionary window appears with the word already entered into the input box with its translations displayed. You can also do the same with an entire sentence or two, instead of just a single word, in which case a window appears with the full text translation!
Jerusalem Dictionary includes a list of thousands of bilingual expressions and a Legal Dictionary.
Jerusalem Dictionary can display over 8,000 tables of fully conjugated Hebrew and English verbs, showing all tenses and persons.
Use this system to help translate websites, business documents, school work and research. Take advantage of this technology to make your communications and correspondence more effective. List price $119.95. On sale for $49.95. To buy it.

Hebrew Bible Reader (Torah)
Hebrew Bible Reader teaches the meaning and pronunciation of every Hebrew word in the Bible. It teaches one word at a time. You study by either clicking on a Hebrew Word and listening to its syllable by syllable pronunciation or clicking and hearing the Hebrew Word's pronunciation, plus the English Translation is highlighted right below the Hebrew word in a new interlinear technology. The software also permits you to copy and paste the full Bible chapter with its vowels into your favorite word processor for study away from the computer. List price $199.95. On sale for $89.95. To buy it.
Additional Software by Computronic, Corp. of Israel |
The Jerusalem Dictionary: English-Hebrew Dictionary on CD
The Jerusalem Dictionary (AKA Super Milon 2025) is the same dictionary as the one in Bible Codes 2025, but greatly expanded and including a thesaurus. Features hundreds of thousands of translations, synonyms and antonyms, tables of fully-conjugated verbs. Comes with a Hebrew font. CD. Runs on Windows 95 through Vista and Windows 7.
Now available as a download for $64.95! To buy it.
Who's Who in the Bible
Who's Who includes the biographies of every single person named in the Bible, from Aaron to Zurishaddai. The biographies can be sorted alphabetically, according to the name of the person, by the location of its first mention, (i.e., by book), or by the century during which that person lived.
Now available as a download for $34.95! To buy it.
Gematria (Tanakh Plus)
Gematria is the method that uses the numerical value of the Hebrew letters to obtain interpretations of the text. It has been used since the time of the Second Temple to derive insights into the sacred writings.
Now available as a download for $24.95! To buy it.
Enjoy Reading the Top Books on Bible Codes |
A Must Read for Code Hunters
Cracking the Bible Code, by Jeffrey Satinover, M.D.
Thoughtful, fascinating and very well written, this is generally acknowledged as the best of the Bible code books. Packed with compelling background on the development of the codes from a Jewish point of view, Cracking the Bible Code is as intriguing as a spy thriller, and informative as an Encyclopedia Britannica article. Paperback. List price $16.95. Amazon price $13.22. To buy it.
Learn Decoding from an Expert
Bible Codes Breakthrough: Amazing Matrices and How-To Guide, by Moshe Aharon
For newcomers to Bible codes and for seasoned researchers, this 202-page book presents a catalog of matrices at a much higher level of statistical significance than other books that have appeared on the subject. There are more than 100 full color matrices and illustrations in the book with accompanying tables and full explanations. Moshe Aharon Shak is an orthodox Jew who approaches the Bible code from a traditional perspective. His articles appear regularly in Bible Code Digest. The PDF book is available via download e-mail at only $8.95.
An Authoritative Discussion on the Codes
Professor Robert Haralick, Professor Eliyahu Rips, and Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson have written a new Bible code book called Torah Codes: A Glimpse into the Infinite. Torah Codes is a beautifully bound and printed book published by the Jewish publishing house Mazal & Bracha in New York. This book presents a very authoritative, technically high-level discussion of orthodox Jewish views on Bible Codes. The book is intended for the more advanced general reader who does not read Hebrew. The hardbound, large format, 185-page book can be ordered by calling (1-866-END-DAYS) [or visit MySefer.com].
Christian Skeptic Presents His Case
Who Wrote the Bible Code?: A Physicist Probes the Current Controversy, by Randall Ingermanson
Christian author and physicist presents a convincing case for disbelieving the Bible codes, using scientific procedures to test his theories. Paperback. List price $11.95. Amazon price $11.95. To buy it.
If You Believe that Codes Affirm the Bible, What Would that Mean for Your Life? Get this New York Times Best Seller at a Discount
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
The spiritual premise in The Purpose Driven Life is that there are no accidents; God planned everything and everyone. Therefore, every human has a divine purpose, according to God's master plan. List price $19.99. Amazon price $10.39. To buy it.
Outstanding Devotional Explores the Hebrew Names of God
Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide
A twenty-six-week devotional study by Ann Spangler, the coauthor of the bestselling Women of the Bible. Praying the Names of God explores the primary Hebrew Names and Titles of God in the Old Testament to reveal the deeper meanings behind them. This outstanding devotional will broaden your prayer and study life by building your understanding of God's character as reflected in His Names. List price $16.99. Amazon price $11.55. To buy it.
DVD Series Explores Question of Divine Intervention for Israel
Against All Odds—Israel Survives: The Complete First Season
The complete 13-part cable network series that asks the powerful question: Is Israel the place of miracles? How has it triumphed through four major wars and survived relentless terrorist attacks? Meet the actual people who lived through what can only be described as miracles of Biblical proportions, and share their remarkable stories. This stirring series dramatizes awe-inspiring incidents that pose the question: Does a divine power continue to uphold the country? Amazon price $59.99. To buy it .
Hebrew Language Resources |
Pocket Dictionary Goes Everywhere with You
Hebrew/English Dictionary, by Ben Yehuda
Ben-Yehuda's Pocket English-Hebrew, Hebrew-English Dictionary derives from the eight-volume Dictionary and Thesaurus of the Hebrew Language by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew, and from the new studies by his son, Ehud Ben-Yehuda, and David Weinstein. This book is designed expressly for the widest possible variety of interests and professions—for students, teachers, travelers, home and office libraries. In it you will find over 30,000 vocabulary entries, alphabetically arranged. There is a comprehensive but compact explanation of grammar, including tables of irregular verbs. There are keys to proper pronunciation, abbreviations, up-to-date technical terms, examples of idiomatic usage, tables of numerals, weights, measures and currency. Paperback. List price $6.99. Amazon price $6.99. To buy it
Biblical Vocabulary Guide Aides Study of Hebrew Language
The Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew, by Miles V. Van Pelt and Gary D. Pratico
A guide for mastering basic Hebrew vocabulary. This guide gives the student everything he or she needs in order to master basic Hebrew vocabulary and to expand knowledge of Biblical Hebrew. A special feature of the guide is that it groups the vocabulary in three basic consonants. • All words occurring ten times or more in the Hebrew Bible in descending order of frequency. • Primary roots and all words derived from roots occurring ten times or more. • Unusual and difficult word list, such as proper names, adjectives, prepositions, pronouns, particles, and verbs. Paperback. List price $16.99. Amazon price $11.55. To buy it
Biblical Hebrew Flash Cards for Quick Study
Old Testament Hebrew Vocabulary Cards, by Miles V. Van Pelt
Old Testament Hebrew Vocabulary Cards are keyed to the four leading Hebrew grammars, have frequency numbers on each card, and include unusual forms of verbs. These cards are a convenient way for students to quiz themselves on new Hebrew words being learned. Cards 1 through 979 contain all words that occur 30 or more times (except proper names). Cards 980 through 1,000 contain select proper names and words occurring less than 30 times. List price $17.99. Amazon price $17.99. To buy it
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