R. E. ("Ed") Sherman's Newest
Book, Now Available!
Wisdom 365:
Daily Buddha and Daily Solomon
Need encouragement? Guidance? Insight? Inspiration? Motivation? Wise advice on how to live? How to find happiness? How to handle stress? How to relate to others? Advice on relationships? Coping when bad things happen? How to make a difference? Where can you turn?
Why not take advice from two of the wisest men in history, the Buddha and Solomon? This ground-breaking book provides a topically arranged collection of their terse, penetrating insights, presented side-by-side. 365 daily readings. Soak in their proverbs. Take a few minutes each day and you will embark on a life-changing journey.
Though they lived 400 years and 3,000 miles apart in two very different cultures, the Buddha and Solomon often spoke with nearly the same voice. Each reinforced and complemented what the other said. These sayings are like diamonds that sparkle in revealing ways when viewed from different angles.
There are basically four different civilizations that coexist on Planet Earth: Judaism/Christianity, Islam, secularism and Eastern religions (Hinduism & Buddhism). The need for better understanding and communication between these civilizations has never been greater. Wisdom 365 provides a solid link between two of them in a way that has never been done before and to an extent that few if any have envisioned. Followers of Eastern religion believe that their truths come from deep within, through meditation and exclusion of outside voices. Followers of Western religions and Islam believe that their truths come from above (God) through revelation.
What Wisdom 365 does is to simply lead you through ALL of the Buddha's proverbs in short daily readings, while also connecting you with proverbs of Solomon that COVER THE SAME GROUND. The result is an unexpected linking of Eastern and Western truths. Take just 2-3 minutes a day to tap into and be inspired by daily insights from two of the wisest men who have ever lived. You will grow wiser and more able to navigate life and avoid its pitfalls.
What does this book have to do with Bible code research?
It all started with a Bible code search for codes about the Buddha. Given that the topic of Bible codes tends to be closely related to the subject matter of the surface text in the Bible, we began our first search for codes about the Buddha in the "wisdom" books of the Bible: Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
We were astonished at the codes we found. Here are a few of the fascinating Buddhist codes we have found in the last six years. The codes were parsed and translated by Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D.
- Lord, Buddha came as an echo of religion.
- Thus is essential existence—the Buddha will accompany me.
- The U.N. is Buddha's target.
- Why do Buddha and suffering exist? Let me bear them.
- Buddha is proper and sealed. Indeed a candle.
- Buddha converts me pleasantly, my basis is soft religion.
- Descend Prince Buddha, and sit down with him.
- Buddhism, the people are coming, the present is God, and who is my light? Death is a razor-like prince.
In attempting to learn more about Buddhism to better understand codes such as the above, we were continually amazed at how similar the proverbs of Buddha were to those of Solomon, who lived 400 years earlier.
The Buddha's 423 proverbs appear together in the book, Dhammapada, published around 252 BCE, about 230 years after his death. We thought about producing a book of 365 daily readings where a similar (or contrasting) proverb of Solomon would appear side-by-side with each proverb of the Buddha. We wondered what would happen to the 423 if we grouped each pairing of the Buddha's proverbs that were direct contrasts were shown together, and this brought the number of pages down to about 365. Such a pairing might look like this:
If you are a specific type of positive person, certain kinds of good things will happen to you. But if you are the opposite type of person, these (corresponding) bad things will happen to you.
After finishing the book, we were astonished to find that we had found a proverb of Solomon (or, in a few instances, one of his contemporaries) similar to each proverb of the Buddha—for 100% of the Buddha's proverbs. This was far beyond what we originally thought would be the case.
In comparing the two collections of proverbs, it was strikingly obvious that the biggest difference was that the Buddha was silent about several topics that were prominent subject areas among Solomon's approximately 1,300 proverbs. Those topics were highly predictable: God, family, women, children, government and commerce. At age 29, prince Buddha left his palace, wife and children to pursue a life of solitary meditation, self-denial, poverty and itinerant teaching.
Get started today discovering illuminating wisdom and practical advice for your life: Wisdom 365.
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Wisdom 365 provides daily readings of ALL of the Buddha’s proverbs, accompanied by similar proverbs of Solomon.
To read more about this groundbreaking book, click here, or click below to order from Amazon today!