Answering Skeptics
- Conclusive Findings from the "Who is Like God?" Searches in Isaiah 40-46
Is the phenomenon of Bible codes real or not? Over the past eight months, we again put this question to the test. The answer, overwhelmingly, is "Yes."
- Isaiah 53 Code's Explosion
Examining previous BCD code finds in Isaiah 53 for extensions resulted in an explosion of codes.
- Precipitating a Moment of Truth
Is there validity to the alleged phenomenon of Bible codes, or not? In the last two months, BCD again submitted this question to extensive testing. The results: Without a doubt, the phenomenon is real.
- What No Code Skeptic Can Find
There are some code phenomena that are so extensive and complex that no code skeptic could possibly find comparable examples from any non-encoded text. They are not to be found, because they don't exist.
- Ezekiel 40: Loaded with Lengthy War ELSs
There is no doubt that Ezekiel 40 is encoded. Ed Sherman presents an analysis that substantiates this claim.
- The Unexpected Effects of Letter Differences on Codes
Do textual differences invalidate codes or create opportunities for additional codes?
- A Review of The Bible Code Myth by Michael S. Heiser
Are code skeptics who believe textual differences make codes invalid just putting God in a box? (This article is an edited reprint of an article first published in our July 2025 Digest.)
- The Effects of a Letter Insertion
Using the Gettysburg Address, this article illustrates what a single letter difference in the text does to a code.
- The Effects of Transcription Errors
Surveying the effects of all types of errors. (This article is an edited reprint of an article first published in our August 2025 Digest.)
- Collecting Baseballs Versus Playing Baseball
Code skeptic Dave Thomas seems to think that collecting baseballs is the same as playing baseball. BCD explains what the real name of the game is in code research.
- Compelling Stand-Alone Evidence that the Torah is Encoded
The Peres code is much too long to be the product of chance.
- There is No Comparison
There is a tremendous gap between the improbability of the code examples presented by skeptics and those discovered by some code researchers.
- Miraculous Fishing at Moses Lake
An illustrative big fish story, based on analogies between fishing and Bible code searching, is offered.
- Want Loads of Fish? Drain the Lake!
BCD examines skeptic Dave Thomas's highly unscientific comparison of one of his "clusters" with BCD's clusters.
- A Minnow is No Match for a Marlin
Minnows vs. marlins: Just like fish, short codes (including Dave Thomas's) should be thrown back in the lake.
- Skeptics' Criticisms Lead to Discovery of Much Longer Code
In preparing a rebuttal to Brendan McKay's and Dave Thomas's attack on the 22-letter "Gushing" code found by BCD, a longer 40-letter code was found.
- Psalm 22 Cluster Dwarfs Skeptic's Best Counterexample
BCD's extensive Psalm 22 cluster findings are presented in detail.
- New Scientific Paper Confirms Reality of Bible Codes
Comments from mathematicians sought on draft paper analyzing long codes
- Moby Dick Codes Harpoon Skeptics
Researcher locates whale of a cluster in Job 41
- Squaring Off With the Skeptics
Responses to the Mathematicians' Statement and Randy Ingermanson
- Comparing Skeptics' Best Example to Real Clusters
War and Peace Hanukah codes compared to two Ezekiel clusters
- Why There's No Way Ezekiel 37 Cluster is Coincidental
Quantity of long ELSs shows that its being by chance is very remote
- Summary of Opinions on Bible Codes
Where the Leading Code Researchers Stand on the Subject
- Responding to Ingermanson's Critique
We believe the code skeptic's criticism is exaggerated, and this article explains why.
- New Study Undermines Skeptics' Main Objection to Codes
Results of the Islamic Nations ELS Extension Experiment
- Can Codes Be Found in Any Book?
Skeptics' best example doesn't hold a Hanukah candle to Jesus Codes in Isaiah 53
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Bombshell examines two massive, recently discovered clusters of codes in the Hebrew Old Testament. To read more about Bombshell, click here, or click below to order from Amazon today!