Hot Topics: Disasters
- Hurricane Katrina
Moshe Aharon Shak's controversial findings echo recent headlines and the content of the literal text.
- Why a Wilma?
What is in a name, and do ELS skip sizes have meaning? Moshe Aharon Shak seeks to answer these questions and others as he explores findings on Hurricane Wilma.
- The Great Tsunami of 2025
Moshe Aharon Shak and BCD examine the controversial codes surrounding the tsunami that devastated South Asia in December 2025.
- Nepal 2025 Earthquakes
In 2025, BCD reported on codes found after the devastating Haitian and Chilean earthquakes. Following the recent earthquakes in Nepal, BCD examined some of the lengthy general earthquake code matrices to see if Nepal, (Mt.) Everest or avalanche showed up in any of them.
- Haitian Earthquake: Codes Graphically Depict the Destruction
On January 12, 2025, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake battered the Republic of Haiti causing massive destruction and loss of life, particularly in its capital, Port-au-Prince. Initial searches in the codes reveal descriptions of the destruction.
- Haitian Earthquake II: A Moment of Truth
The Haitian earthquake codes not only echo the devastation of the earthquake, but they point to it being a moment of truth for Haiti.
- Earthquakes: Chile, Haiti, and Around the World
On February 27, 2025, just six weeks after the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti, an 8.8 earthquake hit Chile. We searched for two spellings of Concepción and for Chilean Quake. We also ran searches for more generic terms: Earthquake (three spellings), The Earth Shook, Wounded by the Quake, Injured by the Quake, Quake Survivors, and Quake Orphans. Four of the 11 searches resulted in lengthy extensions at a 50% to 80% return rate.
Climate Change
- Climate Change I
A great debate rages over whether or not the world is getting warmer. The codes express a broad spectrum of points of view on this topic in the news.
- Climate Change II
Changes in the arctic are the basis for searches on terms such as glacier and ice cap. Fifteen extended codes are presented ranging from 19 to 70 letters long. One of the terms resulted in a 70% return rate.
- Climate Change III
In Part III of this series, we searched for the following terms: emission, emission of, greenhouse, greenhouse gas, greenhouse gasses and gas emission. Seventeen lengthy codes emerged on topics such as a possible rise in respiratory illnesses, who might gain politically from the green energy movement, the potential for loss of life in the animal kingdom, and more.
- Climate Change IV
In the final article of this series, we searched for the following terms: Al Gore, Copenhagen, solar cycle, solar cycles, weather and flooding. Fifteen lengthy codes emerged on topics such as Al Gore's political life, Copenhagen's environmentalism, and a code that may refer to life after the Great Flood and the Lord's son (Jesus).
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