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You can order Bible Code Bombshell (New Leaf Press, 2025), by R. Edwin Sherman, through your local bookstore.
About the Book
Are there hidden words and messages within the Hebrew text of the Bible? Who hid them there? What is their purpose? Author and mathematician R. Edwin Sherman presents startling, never-before-seen evidence of these codes and their significance for the world today. In this informative and entertaining new book, the astonishing contents of over 200 lengthy codes are translated by Dr. Nathan Jacobi, one of the world's leading experts on Bible codes. Unlike other books on this topic, most of the codes presented in this book are so lengthy that they could not be coincidental. For example, while it may be possible to find Messiah as a code in an ordinary book, the chances of finding the longer code, you will cry out for the blood of the Messiah, are extremely small. A mathematician with 30 years of experience in probability and statistical analysis, Mr. Sherman explains clearly how codes show that the Bible is indeed inspired by God.
About the Author
R. Edwin Sherman is a nationally known consulting mathematician and has advised numerous large financial institutions, Fortune 500 companies, and government agencies. He holds an M.A. in mathematics from the University of California at San Diego and is deeply committed to the objective examination of the phenomenon of Bible codes, apart from the advocacy of any particular religious viewpoint. He lives with his family in southern Oregon.
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Bombshell examines two massive, recently discovered clusters of codes in the Hebrew Old Testament. To read more about Bombshell, click here, or click below to order from Amazon today!