Bible Code Website Links
The following represent many of the most significant and interesting web sites on the subject of Bible codes, but we do not necessarily agree with their points of view.
Academic Jewish Code Proponents |
Eliyahu Rips, Ph.D.
Rips' public statement about Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code is a must-read for anyone in interested Bible code research. Rips is one of the leading mathematicians in the world, specializing in the obscure micro-field of group theory, and devoting much of his time to research of the codes. Currently on the faculty of the Einstein Institute of Mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rips immigrated to Israel from his native Lithuania.
With Doron Witztum and Yoav Rosenberg, he co-wrote Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis, published in Statistical Science in 1994. Along with Robert Haralick, Ph.D., and Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, he co-wrote Torah Codes: A Glimpse into the Infinite (2005). Once a staunch atheist, his studies of the Torah codes have led him to an orthodox belief.
Robert M. Haralick, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science Dept., Graduate Center, at the City University of New York, Haralick has been one of the leading and most respected supporters of code research.
He has written or co-written The Inner Meaning of the Hebrew Letters (Jason Aronson) and The Torah Codes and Israel Today (Israel Trade Co.). Along with Eliyahu Rips, Ph.D., and Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, he co-wrote Torah Codes: A Glimpse into the Infinite (2005).
He is chairman of the International Torah Code Society, and is often a presenter at the organization's yearly congress in Jerusalem.
Matityahu Glazerson
Matityahu Glazerson
Matityahu Glazerson is an Israeli born and educated rabbi and author of 30 books in Hebrew, many of which have been translated into English, Spanish, French and Russian. He is the co-author of Torah Codes: A Glimpse Into the Infinite, as well as having written other books on the Torah Code. After living in South Africa for 16 years, he returned to Israel in 1980, where he currently resides.
While the above website link takes you to a website about Torah Codes, the site also contains information on Kabbalah. BCD does not endorse the practice of Kabbalah.
Jeffrey Satinover, M. D.
Jeffrey Satinover, M.D.
Satinover was a full time psychiatrist with a successful practice in Connecticut until his lifelong passion for physics claimed his attention. He is adding a degree in the science from Yale to an already impressive list of degrees from M.I.T., the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the University of Texas, and he was able to find time to write an excellent book on the codes, Cracking the Bible Code (William Morrow). This site was put together in 1997 to promote his book, and is still one of the top sites on the Internet for basic code background.
Read a review of Satinover's book by Intelligent Design proponent William Dembski, Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Chicago; Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Illinois at Chicago; and M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary.
Daniel Michelson
Daniel Michelson
Formerly an associate professor of mathematics at UCLA and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Daniel Michelson now teaches at the Weizmann Institute of Rehovot. Michelson is a pioneer in Torah code research. In 1987, he wrote "Codes in the Torah: A Reply to Professor Hasofer" which was published by B'or Ha'Torah.
Other Jewish Code Proponents |
Moshe Aharon Shak
Moshe Aharon Shak
Moshe Aharon Shak is a frequent contributor to Bible Code Digest. Born in Israel, Shak is fluent in Hebrew. He currently resides in Canada. Shak is a Mechanical Engineer, and the author of Bible Codes Breakthrough. His articles that follow the same complex methodology outlined in his book appear on several websites. In addition, he has appeared on two television programs about Bible codes. In advance of the events, Shak demonstrated in his articles the outcome of two Israeli elections and that Malvo, the Washington D.C. sniper, had "blood on his hands." He further challenges anyone to follow the approach outlined in his book and come up with a false code.
Aish HaTorah
Aish HaTorah
This organization presents Judaism to Jewish people all over the world who have for one reason or another drifted away from the faith. Its message is communicated primarily through the Discovery Seminars it conducts, and Torah codes have become one of the organization's most potent tools in convincing skeptics of the Bible's authenticity. Aish's site features articles on the codes by experts, including Dr. Harold Gans, a government cryptologic mathematician who has become a leading code advocate, as well as links to valuable code information.
Christian Code Proponents |
Grant R. Jeffrey
Grant R. Jeffrey
Grant R. Jeffrey is an internationally recognized Bible researcher, teacher of Bible prophecy, and Bible code proponent. He holds a C.L.U. degree from the University of Toronto, a master’s degree from Louisiana Baptist University, and an honorary doctorate from Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of twenty books, and his books on Bible codes include The Signature of God, The Mysterious Bible Codes, and The Handwriting of God.
Roy Reinhold
Roy Reinhold
Webmaster of the Codes in the Bible website, Roy has appeared on three TV programs on the Bible code. He was also the technical consultant on the Bible codes for the two TV special programs. Roy has been working with software programmers to develop better and faster codes programs, in order to facilitate easier codes research, with the aim to make it accessible to everyone. His free online article, comparing all the codes software programs, for almost five years has been the place to get unbiased comparisons. Besides codes research in the Hebrew masoretic text, Roy has been part of a team investigating the Greek New Testament for valid codes (a work in progress).
Rev. Glenn David Bauscher
Rev. Glenn David Bauscher
Rev. Glenn David Bauscher is a pastor and former high school teacher with a proficiency in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. He has been preaching and teaching the Bible since 1976 in several churches in the U.S. He has written two books on the Aramaic New Testament: Divine Contact — The Original New Testament Discovered and The Peshitta Aramaic-English Four Gospels: An Interlinear Translation. Divine Contact documents the discovery of long Gospel messages in the form of Bible codes in The Peshitta New Testament. The Peshitta Aramaic-English Four Gospels presents the gospels in the language of Jesus and his countrymen of first century Israel, with a word-for-word translation into English next to each Aramaic word.
Brendan McKay
Brendan McKay
A reader in the Department of Computer Science at Australia National University, McKay spearheaded the effort to discredit the codes with articles and interviews, culminating in a rebuttal to the WRR paper in Statistical Science, published in mid-1999, with Dror Bar-Natan, Alec Gindis and Aryeh Levitan.
Randall Ingermanson
Randall Ingermanson
Code skeptic Randall Ingermanson is a physicist and a computer programmer, in addition to being an author. His book Who Wrote the Bible Code? (WaterBrook Press) argues from the Christian point of view that codes in the Bible are not probable. Ingermanson holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California at Berkeley and did post-doctoral work at Ohio State University.
New Leaf Publishing Group
New Leaf Publishing Group
New Leaf Publishing Group is the corporate name for the company that owns New Leaf Press, Inc., the publisher of Bible Code Bombshell
A mega-site of Bible, Christian & religious information & studies, doctrine, news, prayer, prophecy, sermons, spiritual warfare, statistics, tools, and tracts. Features the Chronological 4 Gospels, Prayer Book, Prophecy Bible, the Audio KJV New Testament, and a photo tour of Israel.
Categorized resource directory for everything about the Bible.
Everything Bible, from American Bible to Youth Bible.
The Bible Shop carries Hebrew and Judaic software programs including Bible codes software.
Christianity Freebies
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All kinds of Christian resources that are available free, both on and off line.
eCommerce Solutions
eCommerce Solutions
Sell products online—secure hosted multilingual ecommerce solutions, multi-currency software, for all 40 european countries business to business or business to consumer—uootek.com.
Flnder is an experimental search interface.
HotVsNot.Com Web Directory
HotVsNot.Com Web Directory
Comprehensive Database of Web Resources that includes Bible Code Digest
The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute
The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute
Your gateway to business in Israel. Succeed in commercial ventures with Israeli companies and in the Israeli marketplace.
Web-Ref.org Directory
Web-Ref.org Directory
Directory of Websites that includes Bible Code Digest.
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