About Bible Codes:
Medieval Beginnings
Bible code research is said to date back to at least the 12th century, when rabbinical scholars first wrote about discovering meaningful words hidden in the Hebrew text of the Torah.
Tradition among the most devout Jewish scholars holds that everything and everyone that ever was or ever will be was recorded in the text of the first five books of the Bible. Thus, as it was passed down letter by letter from God to Moses, then generation by generation to modern times, great care has been taken to preserve it intact. Rabbis encouraged caution in Torah copyists by reminding them that just one letter lost in their work could bring about the end of the world.
Is it possible that only very slight changes have occurred in the original text over the 3,400 years since Moses first received it? If this were true, it would be a wonder that ranks among the great miracles of the ages. The extensive evidence provided on this site for the reality of the phenomena of Bible codes lends support for that possibility. It appears that the Torah was preserved by a miracle, as were the Jewish people, despite tremendous persecution and being without a homeland for 19 centuries.
The Father of Bible Code Research
It was during the last attempt to exterminate them as a race, the final solution of the Holocaust, that many credit with their restoration to the Promised Land. In the midst of this horrible time, Michael Ber Weissmandl (above), a Slovakian rabbi, continued his study of ancient writings by scholars who had found secret terms encoded in the Torah. But the Nazis were descending on his village, and the majority of his time was taken up with negotiating for the lives of people.
Rabbi Weissmandl, in fact, invented an outrageously bold scheme to ransom European Jews by bribing Nazi officials. The plan was workable, but no one could or would provide the $4 million the Germans demanded to save the lives of two million people, a mere $2 per person.
He himself was ultimately rounded up with his family and put on a death train to the camps. With him he took only a loaf of bread and three books, two copies of the Torah and a dusty commentary by a 13th century scholar mentioning the hidden codes. Alone, Weissmandl escaped the death train and eventually made his way to the U. S., where he was able to continue his research. And yet, he was tortured by grief. His devastating regret was that he had not been able to rescue even one of his children. He died of a broken heart in 1957.
Codes Move Into the Spotlight
Just a quarter of a century later, there was a fortuitous convergence of occurrences that were to move the codes from obscurity into the international spotlight. The war that brought death and devastation to so many lives also gave the world the most fiendishly clever code ever developed – Germany’s the Enigma Code. Breaking this code raised the study of statistics and probabilities to new heights, and brought about the invention of the computer.
Some time later, the advent of the personal computer made it possible to carry out searches for codes in seconds that had taken previously hours and even days to do. Researchers inspired by Weissmandl’s work, and using it as a starting point, began to develop the software necessary to perform these searches.
Thirdly, there was an awakening of faith among the brightest minds in Judaism. Previously atheistic or religiously disinterested scientists and intellectuals began to find themselves attracted to the most orthodox beliefs. As word of the codes spread around the world, many of these men began to devote themselves to study of the Torah and the unraveling of these codes.
Two of these scientists, a former physics graduate student, Doron Witztum, and a world-renowned mathematician, Eliyahu Rips, along with Yoav Rosenberg, an Israeli computer whiz, stunned the scientific world in 1994 with the publication of their paper on the codes in the journal Statistical Science.
The Great Sages Experiment
WRR’s Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis was based on the original work of Rabbi Weissmandl. It described the discovery of the encoded names of 34 notable figures, the Great Sages, in Jewish history, along with the dates of their birth or death, in the first book of the Bible, and the statistical significance of each code. Prior to its publication, the paper was reviewed by a panel of referees, a process that took years to complete. The referees found the math used to compile the probabilities to be ironclad.
Statistical Science courageously published the paper, if somewhat reluctantly because of the storm of controversy they were sure would result. In a statement in the same issue of the journal, editor Robert Kass wrote: “Our referees were baffled: their prior beliefs made them think the Book of Genesis could not possibly contain meaningful references to modern day individuals, yet when the authors carried out additional analyses and checks the effects persisted. The paper is thus offered to Statistical Science readers as a challenging puzzle.”
Books Bring Codes World Attention
Controversy indeed erupted, not only in the scientific community, but in the religious community, as well – among both Jews and Christians. Books were written about the phenomenon -- notably The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin and Cracking the Bible Code by Jeffrey Satinover -- that brought it to the attention of the world.
Christian researchers also began to locate codes in the Bible about Jesus Christ, and books were published about their findings, among them Yaacov Rambsel’s His Name is Jesus: The Mysterious Yeshua Codes and Grant Jeffrey’s The Signature of God.
Professor Barry Simon, chairman of the mathematics department at CalTech and an orthodox Jew himself, organized a statement disputing the codes that has been signed by Ph.Ds all over the world. An attack on the paper was launched by a group of scientists headed by Brendan McKay, Ph. D., a reader in the department of computer science at the Australia National University. Their rebuttal was published by Statistical Science in 1999, and WRR are reportedly working on a response.
Aish HaTorah, a Jerusalem-based organization that is dedicated to bringing secular Jews to a renewed faith in God through its Discovery Seminars, now uses the codes to help convince skeptical attendees, and has become one of the leading proponents of the science. In late 1996, the Wall Street Journal covered this approach by Aish
Scientists both Jewish and Christian all over the world are using computer software developed by WRR to search the scriptures for new codes and to compute their statistical significance, which in layman’s terms means whether or not they can be considered real. The International Torah Code Society (ITCS) has been formed, and held its first meeting in Jerusalem in 1999. Leading code researchers such as Robert Haralick, Ph.D., Boeing Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington, presented new findings and works in progress to the group.
The Bible Code Digest was founded in 1999 to report on developments in the field of Bible code research, including the results of its own research. BCD maintains this web site and publishes a bi-monthly e-newsletter for subscribers. Founder R. Edwin Sherman has written two fascinating books on the subject, Breakthrough: Encountering the Reality of the Bible Codes, which is available as a download to subscribers at the Sustainer or higher level, and Bible Code Bombshell, which is available through our online store.
What Are Bible Codes?
The Bible Codes are perhaps the most compelling enigma in history. Within the past four years several best-selling books have claimed that Bible codes about 20th Century people and events were intentionally embedded in the Hebrew Bible when it was written many centuries ago.
The best known of these books are The Bible Code (Michael Drosnin), Cracking the Bible Code (Jeffrey Satinover, M.D.) and The Signature of God, The Handwriting of God and The Mysterious Bible Codes (all by Grant Jeffrey).
Bible Code Digest Subscribers Receive Objective Analysis of Published Codes
These books have caused a wave of controversy and, not surprisingly, resulted in sharply divided views on the validity of their claims.
Bible Code Digest takes clear exception to many of the opinions and findings of each of these recent authors. Subscribers to our Report receive notice of where these claims abandon objectivity, and our unbiased analysis of codes noted by these and other authors.
And as a bonus, subscribers receive news of codes discovered by our own research, presented with scientific objectivity.
How to Find Love in the Bible Codes
But just exactly what (you may be asking if you are new to this subject) are Bible Codes? They are equidistant letter sequences, or ELSs, that appear in the ancient Hebrew text of the book we know as the Bible.
It was the advent of the personal computer, like the one you are sitting at now, along with the development of software to find these hidden ELSs, that caused the explosion of interest in Bible Codes.
What does a typical ELS look like? Well, suppose we start with the sentence, "All of our avenues are wide." To locate an ELS in a sentence like this, we eliminate the spaces and look for words that could be formed from letters that are equally spaced within the string of letters that form the sentence.
If we start with the second letter (L) and then eliminate, or skip, three letters to pick up the next letter of the code (O), and so forth, we will find the word, LOVE within the string. Like this:
a L l o f O u r a V e n u E s a r e w i d e.
LOVE is an equidistant letter sequence (ELS). Such codes can have a skip of any length and can either be forward or backward.
So How Does This Apply to the Bible?
The first ELSs discovered were found in the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, which were ostensibly written by Moses, the prophet who led his people out of Egypt.
More than 50 years ago, a Jewish rabbi (H.M.D. Weissmandel) noted that if you start with a T (tav) in the first verse of the book of Genesis, skip 50 letters, pick up a V (vav), skip another 50 letters, pick up an R (resh), skip another 50 letters, and pick up an H (heh), you have TVRH, or Torah as it is spelled in Hebrew.
Now this occurs, mind you, not only in the first book of the Torah, but also in the first verses of the books of Exodus and Numbers. It also appears in the first chapter of the book of Deuteronomy. In each case there is also a skip of exactly 50 letters.
Where the Codes Began to Attract Worldwide Attention
The discovery of these first Torah codes was not necessarily eyebrow-lifting, however. Any author, human or otherwise, could have intentionally embedded such codes within a text. What heightens eyebrows are codes, embedded, mind you, thousands of years ago, about contemporary people and events.
For example, Drosnin begins his book, The Bible Code, with a show-stopping claim: the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in November 1995 was foretold by hidden Hebrew codes in the ancient text of the Bible.
What’s more, Drosnin also found the name of the assassin, Amir, as a code near the original ones, as well as a code which meant, "name of assassin." Furthermore, a code for Tel Aviv, the city where the shooting occurred was also discovered, as well as a code for the year when it occurred.
Keep Going . . . It Gets Better
Drosnin doesn't stop with the Rabin codes, however. He goes on to present numerous clusters of codes that would be astounding if only they were not coincidental.
Here is a sampler of codes that are displayed in crossword clusters:
- Economic collapse, the depression, 1929 and stocks.
- Atomic holocaust and 1945.
- Watergate and "Who is he? President, but he was kicked out."
- World War and atomic holocaust.
While all of these are bad events, Drosnin also presents a few positive clusters:
- Wright brothers and airplane.
- Shakespeare, presented on stage, Macbeth and Hamlet.
- Newton and gravity.
- Edison, electricity and light bulb.
- Fall of, communism, Russian, in China next.
Bible Code Digest Research Helps You Distinguish Between the Valid Codes and the Questionable
Many intellectuals and scientists have attacked these claims as bogus, stating that you can find anything you want as a code and that other books must also contain similar codes.
On the other hand, both conservative Christians and Jews have expressed concerns that their beliefs (which are based on the literal text) may be challenged by findings that some might draw from the codes.
Currently published books present examples that run the gamut from those that are very likely to occur by chance to ones that are highly improbable. Unfortunately, none of these current authors make these critical distinctions.
Making such distinctions is one of the primary purposes of BibleCodeDigest.com
Enjoy finding your own Bible codes.
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Bombshell examines two massive, recently discovered clusters of codes in the Hebrew Old Testament. To read more about Bombshell, click here, or click below to order from Amazon today!