Jesus Codes
The following are brief introductory summaries to some of the full-length articles below. The codes were parsed and translated by Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D.
The following are full-length articles.
- Bible Codes About Jesus' Birth, Ministry, Death and Resurrection
Christians around the world will be celebrating the birth of Christ in December. We thought it would be timely to compile some of the fascinating codes about Jesus' birth, ministry, death and resurrection into an article and four companion YouTube videos. In this article, we cover seven codes for each topic, while the videos present ten codes each.
- Isaiah 53 Cluster: Top 10 by Length
It's easy to get absorbed with examining individual codes and forget to look at the big picture. Over the last 12 years, the Isaiah 53 cluster has continued to explode. We present all the lengthy codes together in a single article.
- Peter in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22
BCD discovered a dozen lengthy codes about Peter in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22. Many of them seem to describe various aspects of Peter's life.
- Visiting the Tomb: Code Clusters in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 Continue to Grow
The remarkable code clusters that pass through the prophetic chapters of Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 have continued to explode. BCD decided to search for the names of those who visited the empty tomb and for phrases about the tomb.
- Yeshua in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22
As we approach the Christmas season, twenty fascinating new Yeshua (Jesus) codes found in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 are presented.
- God and Jesus in Proverbs 30:4: Jesus Will Mend My People
In a continuing effort to examine codes that pass through Scriptures that ask the question Who is Like God?, we searched for God and Jesus in Proverbs 30:4. The resulting codes are significant and memorable.
- Prophet and Messiah: Garlic in a Lion's Tooth
Lengthy Prophet and Messiah codes echo Scripture and point to God's omniscience and creativity.
- The Trinity in Genesis 1:1
Are there significant codes on the Trinity that appear in Genesis 1:1? Do some wrap back around the Torah and Tanakh?
- Yeshua the Messiah Codes: A Highly Improbable Collection
We searched for Yeshua the Messiah and The Messiah Yeshua ELSs in the Tanakh, and the findings were highly improbable.
- Who Is the True Messiah? The Introduction
What happens when BCD and Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., search for the sentence Who is the true messiah? Check out the surprising findings.
- Who Is the True Messiah? The 61-Letter Code
In-depth analysis of the 61-letter-long Who is the true messiah? code.
- "Who is Like God?" The Messiah Yeshua Code in Exodus 15
When the literal text of the Bible asks questions, could Bible codes provide answers?
- Yeshua Codes in Isaiah 40–46
BCD examines Jesus (Yeshua) codes in Isaiah 40–46 to determine whether the findings are random or intentional.
- Remarkable Psalm 22 Cluster Grows
The already remarkable Psalm 22 cluster continues to grow with the addition of 15 lengthy ELSs.
- Which King of the House of David Was the Closest to David Himself?
That David the King ELSs would be far closer to literal appearances of David in the Tanakh than ELSs for any of the later Kings is quite impressive. When we tried this same exercise for The King Yeshua (Jesus) and Yeshua the King, the results were very surprising.
- Is Jesus the Messiah?
Could Bible codes possibly add anything definitive to the two-millennia-long controversy over Christian claims that Jesus of Nazareth was/is the Messiah of the Jews? We explore a rich host of clues from the codes.
- New 40-Letter Code Discovered
New code dramatically links Isaiah 53 with Gospel accounts of the transfiguration of Christ.
- Skeptics' Criticisms Lead to Discovery of Much Longer Code
In preparing a rebuttal to Brendan McKay's and Dave Thomas's attack on the 22-letter "Gushing" code found by BCD, a longer 40-letter code was found.
- Uncovering More of the Tapestry
How the new 40-letter code closely links with the literal text that it passes through.
- Isaiah 53 Code's Explosion
A startling number of codes from Isaiah 53 have been extended.
- Explosive Cluster of 1,400 Jesus ELSs Discovered in Isaiah 53
Massive cluster dwarfs skeptics' counter-examples.
- The Passion According to Bible Codes
Easter-related ELSs are used to tell the story of the last hours of Jesus' life.
- Judas Focus of 73-Letter Bible Code
Disciple of Jesus who typifies treachery feature of 73-letter code.
- Jesus Codes Found in Ten Commandments
Dozens of astonishing terms about Christ are woven through important Torah passage.
- Latest Code Finds in Genesis-Exodus Mega-Cluster
Research interrupted by 911 resumes with intriguing finds centered on Jesus Christ.
- Passover/Easter Codes Discovered in Several Clusters
Resurrection and ascension finds include new Top 20 Longest Codes (2002–2003).
- New Christmas Codes Add to Amazing Cluster
Longer ELSs serve to heighten the mystery in this compelling array.
- Psalm 22 Yields Extensive Crucifixion Codes
Details of Christ's life and death are abundant.
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Bombshell examines two massive, recently discovered clusters of codes in the Hebrew Old Testament. To read more about Bombshell, click here, or click below to order from Amazon today!