Bible Code Digest
May/June 2025

In This Issue:

Short items of interest to Bible code followers.

Crisis Clusters III: Success and Failure in Leadership
The final three clusters on the topics of Barack Obama, the Global Financial Crisis, the Swine Flu, Global Crisis and Famine, and a variety of America-related search terms point to success and failure in leadership. In addition, new Obama codes are presented that have not been previously published.

Non-Random Equidistant Letter Sequence Extensions in the Hebrew Bible
A major scientific paper demonstrates that the phenomenon of extended Bible codes is real.


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Crisis Clusters II Update

A code was omitted from the Crisis Clusters II article published in the January/February 2025 digest. This code is now posted to the version of the article that you can access from the Crisis Clusters links page.

Obama Cluster Four (B.4)

The proclamation was rushed, was present, and was crushing.
Take the arrow with ease, and don't yield, Obama.
He dug for the drops of the daughter, and was worried about it.
And let whoever is pregnant sit where the sorrow is his.
I have had enough.

This 63-letter-long code hints at a possible sex scandal involving Obama. The proclamation was rushed, was present, and was crushing may refer to news exposés. Take the arrow with ease, and don't yield, Obama sounds like the advice of a spin doctor. And let whoever is pregnant sit where the sorrow is his might refer to trying to paint the woman in a bad light, and I have had enough may indicate one of Obama's advisors quitting over the scandal.

Here is the complete information on this code.

Continue to Crisis Clusters III

Bombshell examines two massive, recently discovered clusters of codes in the Hebrew Old Testament. To read more about Bombshell, click here, or click below to order from Amazon today!


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