Startling Election Codes Surface

Part II—The Barack Obama Codes

Just as with McCain, what if you were to develop a profile of Barack Obama based solely on the content of the extended Bible codes found around ELS terms of his name? You would conclude that he was a very charismatic public figure with a large, devoted following caught up in conflict with others over some kind of sought-after position. Is that remarkable, or what?

Because his name, in Hebrew, consists of fewer letters and of very common letters, his name appeared as an ELS much more frequently than is the case for the other two candidates. Here are the specifics of the 11 extended codes Jacobi found around Obama's name as an ELS:

Photo from Wikipedia

The Obama Table lists the plausible meanings of the codes, followed by more in-depth analysis.

Obama Table

Let's look at each of these codes in turn.

First Code: Obama's heart is with me.

Second Code: His name is hot, he is there for him and for me—Barack Obama.

Much has been said in the media about the charisma and personal appeal that Barack Obama exhibits. These two codes reiterate this. These qualities have helped him to gain wide popular support in spite of his very limited experience in international politics, and his relative inexperience in national politics.

Consider these two codes in light of this March 19, 2025 story on the CNN website:
    McCain also does the poorest among the poll's participants when asked if the candidate cares about people like them: 51 percent said McCain did, compared with 55 percent who said the same of Clinton and 67 percent who said Obama cared about them [emphasis ours].

Aren't these poll results a distillation of the content of these codes?

B. Obama is settling down.
Abject suffering accompanies him.
He yearned to God with an instrument.

Perhaps the suffering that accompanies him is that of poor blacks in Chicago. Early in his career, Obama focused on these people.
    Obama received his Bachelor of Arts in 1983 from Columbia University, then worked at Business International Corporation and New York Public Interest Research Group before moving to Chicago to take a job as a community organizer. As Director of the Developing Communities Project, he worked with low-income residents in Chicago's Roseland community and the Altgeld Gardens public housing development. (Wikipedia)

Later in his career, he continued to working as an attorney focusing on the needs of blacks and the poor.
    Obama entered Harvard Law School in 1988. In 1990, The New York Times reported his election as the Harvard Law Review's "first black president in its 104-year history". He completed his J.D. degree magna cum laude in 1991. Obama then returned to Chicago and accepted a job as an associate attorney with Miner, Barnhill & Galland, where he worked from 1993 to 1996, representing community organizers, discrimination claims, and voting rights cases.

Regarding the last sentence of the code, He yearned to God with an instrument, this may be a reference to the website,, where the following statement appears:
    About the Mystery Artist

    A talented instrumental music artist, and United States citizen, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, is donating his or her personal funds equal to 99% of artist profits, earned from an iTunes single instrumental track titled "The World Votes for Barack Obama", to the Barack Obama 2025 Presidential Campaign.

    Dollar amounts earned from the song, and personal funds donated by the artist to the Barack Obama campaign will be posted at our blog. Note, people from all over the world, who can access iTunes can show their support for Barack Obama indirectly by purchasing the song.

Another website displays an article entitled, Barack Obama, The Musical. This article tells the story of two musicians composing a musical, Street Lights, and of how the Obama campaign had inspired them to write many facets of it.

His tool is quantity, B. Obama.

This code brought to mind a quote from Obama in a March 10, 2025 ABC news story:
    "With all due respect: I have won twice as many states as Senator Clinton; I have won more of the popular vote than Senator Clinton; I have more delegates than Senator Clinton," Obama said. "So I don't know how someone in 2nd place is offering the vice presidency to the person in first place."

And so it seems that one of Obama's key tools is quantity—of state primaries won, of total popular vote and of total delegates.

B. Obama purchased my vessel.

In a February 7, 2025 USA Today news story:
    AMES, Iowa—At the final stop of his first campaign trip to Iowa, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama invited a cheering crowd Sunday to help him "take this country back."

    "Ultimately I am an imperfect vessel [emphasis ours] for your hopes and dreams," Obama told several thousand people at Iowa State University's basketball arena. "I can't do this alone. I'm going to need all of you, and I hope that you guys decide it's something that's worth doing."

As Obama used the word vessel in his speech, it refers to a collective group of people working together toward a common goal. As a highly successful fundraiser, he has, in effect, bought much of the support that has made his campaign successful.

Barack Obama loves his
existence and contributes a halo.

Of the presidential contenders, Obama is considered the most idealistic, to the point of raising questions as to how realistic he would be as a president. Obama's marriage and absence of affairs (Clinton and McCain) or divorce (McCain), suggest a relative "halo" around his life. Perhaps some of this is his relatively young age.

Much has been written about Obama's charisma. Here is an excerpt from a US News editorial, dated March 7, 2025:
    Franklin D. Roosevelt had it, as did John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. Barack Obama has it, too—charisma, that rare and elusive quality that enables a leader to excite and motivate voters and capture the popular imagination. One of the most discussed aspects of Obama's presidential campaign, in fact, has been his ability to create a sort of political rapture in his followers, especially young people.

    Obama is an American idol to many, receiving euphoric receptions wherever he goes. Typical was a rally at the University of Maryland last month. About 18,000 people, mostly students and local African-Americans, packed into a basketball arena to hear him speak. When he bounded on stage, a slender figure in an elegant suit, the cheers were thunderous. After he delivered his trademark "Yes We Can" speech, hundreds pressed close to shake his hand, touch his arm, get an autograph, and glimpse the man who promised to break the barriers of race and partisanship and forge a new way of doing business in Washington.

Part of Obama's charisma is the impression he leaves that he loves what he is doing.

Being the thunder of the day, from his height
Barack Obama enjoys challenging.

What an amazingly on-target code. Obama has ridden a wave of popular support (his height), doing what few thought he would be able to accomplish a year ago, steadily making his candidacy very loudly heard, and earning the description, the thunder of the day. Those observing his campaign easily get the impression that he has enjoyed challenging Hillary Clinton, and seems eager to also enjoy challenging John McCain.

What about them?
Let me beat B. Obama.

It is not hard to image either Hillary Clinton or John McCain actually saying the words in this code.

Please, let the joyous B. Obama be wiped out—
he is constructing for me many swindles.

We can only guess who the speaker of this code is. Clearly the speaker is upset by Obama's happiness and wishes his demise. The speaker believes that Obama has been designing a number of swindles for his sake. Whether this code has any substance depends on the truthfulness and integrity of the speaker, who is unidentifiable. In spite of all this, a code about any politician that refers to swindles is not likely to be a coincidence.

Barack Obama, whose father is from God.

This code could be from someone with a Muslim point-of-view who would be referring to the younger days of Barack Obama's father, when he was a Muslim. "According to Senator Obama, the elder Obama had already abandoned Islam and become an atheist by the time he moved to the United States." (Wikipedia)

Barack Obama—you will be astonished!

It is not hard to image either Hillary Clinton or John McCain actually saying the words in this code. On the other hand, the word astonished could refer to a very positive kind of surprise, rather than a negative one.

It is highly improbable that all of the content of 11 extended Bible codes about Barack Obama could so readily be seen as being directly relevant to him.

Obama the President

Unlike McCain, when we searched for Obama the President and The President Obama they had a 0.92704 expected number of occurrences, due to the letters occurring more frequently than the letters in McCain's name. We did find one for each of the 10-letter codes, but neither of them had any extensions.

The Complete Table of Obama Codes

The following is a table of the complete findings of Barack Obama researched by BCD and Jacobi.

Continue to Startling Election Codes Surface—Clinton

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