Bible Code Digest:
January/February 2025
In This Issue:
Briefing Short items of interest to Bible code followers.
Correspondence Feedback from our readers.
A Guide to Navigating Around Bible Code DNA In this article, we explain a numbering and labeling system which will be used in the "Did the Old Testament Have Just One Author?" article.
Did the Old Testament Have Just One Author? In this article, we look at a sprawling, mind-boggling mega-structure of codes (much like DNA) contained in an inconceivably small set of Hebrew letters that threads its way throughout the entire Old Testament.
Closeness Comparisons: A Substantive Basis for Testing the Claimed Reality of Bible Codes Compelling evidence of the link between the subject matter of the literal text and the content of codes found there.
Hebrew Alphabet: Lesson Four In our continuing series on learning the Hebrew alphabet using words most people already know from Hebrew, we introduce four more Hebrew letters using words and names such as Noah, Jacob, Pharoah, and Zachery.
Bottom Line Message: The Fifth Benefit of Studying the Bible: Knowing That Your Troubles Have a Good Purpose As we study God's Word, our understanding of who God is, His character, and the way He feels about each one of us develops and grows. The better our understanding of God, the more intrinsic our faith in Him becomes, so that when we endure troubles, we know that His purposes are good and that He is our refuge and deliverer.
DNA diagram from Wikipedia.org
Top Programs Available as Downloads
Check out all the new downloads available in our online store.
- Keys to the Bible download for $54.95.
- Keys to the Bible and The Jerusalem Dictionary Package as a download for $104.95.
- Keys to the Bible and Who's Who in the Bible Package as a download for $74.95.
- Bible Codes 2025 download for $44.95.
- Bible Codes 2025 and The Jerusalem Dictionary Package as a download for $94.95.
- Bible Codes 2025 and Who's Who in the Bible Package as a download for only $64.95.
- The Jerusalem Dictionary available as a download for $64.95.
- Who's Who in the Bible available as a download for $34.95.
- Gematria (Tanakh Plus) available as a download for $24.95.
Aramaic New Testament
Rev. Glenn David Bauscher, a pastor and former high school teacher with a proficiency in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic, has completed translating The Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament.
The Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament contains all twenty-seven books from Matthew to Revelation. Included are many notes demonstrating how the Greek New Testament got its readings from The Aramaic of The Peshitta, with illustrations and word comparisons in three different Aramaic scripts and two Greek scripts. This book contains a literal, word-for-word Aramaic-English translation. The Aramaic text is identical to that of the 1979 United Bible Society Syriac Bible, based on the critical editions of Gwilliam, Pusey and John Gwynn (1920 British and Foreign Bible Society). The book is 768 pages in a 10 point font, with color photos, graphics and lettering. It is available in color or black and white.
For more information, visit Rev. Bauscher's site, or just click the Lulu button below to purchase these books.
The Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament
Hardcover in Color $149.56
The Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament
Hardcover in Black and White $49.98
Learning the Hebrew Alphabet: Exercises
Exercise Three is now available to supplement the Hebrew Alphabet Lesson that appeared in last month's digest.
Also, be sure to visit our Hebrew Links and Resources page to find the Lessons and Exercises' links, as well as many other resources for studying Hebrew.
Seven New Scientific Papers
Seven new scientific papers on pattern recognition were presented at the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Hong Kong in August 2025. The articles survey several mutually reinforcing Torah code experiments of recent years. Preprints of the papers are available at TorahCodes.net.
My basic point is this: For EVERY search you do in the Bible, shouldn't you also do the identical search in a control text such as War and Peace? Shouldn't every search have a control-search? Maybe you did this and I missed it? I do realize that the "gushing" ELS in Isaiah defies statistical probability, and I believe that NO such ELS of comparable length is in War and Peace or any other non-inspired book. It just seemed odd that you had so many mathematical formulas, and went to such great lengths to show that you were being scientific, but it seemed that your devotion to the "control" aspect of scientific discovery was lacking?
Be Blessed,
Barry Cohn
Clarkston, Michigan
Our Director's Reply
BCD is primarily engaged in the process of scientific discovery or investigation, as contrasted with the process of conducting scientific experiments. In fact, to date we have only conducted one experiment, the Islamic Nations Experiment. All of our other findings have been in the form of scientific investigations.
A major difference between these two modes of scientific inquiry is that in conducting an investigation we rely on a mathematical model to define what should be expected from a non-encoded text. We use a widely accepted approach, the Markov chain model, to quantify the behavior of extended ELSs to be found in a non-encoded text. It is presented in Appendix B of the scientific paper we posted on our site. We adopted this approach after running a significant number of controls in War and Peace, as you suggest that we should have done. We noted that the behavior of extended ELSs from a non-encoded text closely conform to this model. Given that, we made a decision several years ago to use this model rather than running controls parallel to every search. Our decision has resulted in our being able to investigate a much wider extent of Bible code phenomenon than would have been the case if had chosen the time-consuming process of always running parallel control searches.
Did BCD make a tactical error in opting for the Markov chain approach? I don't think so. As a result we have uncovered code phenomena that are so far beyond the range of what is possible from a non-encoded text that it should be plain to any objective observer that the Bible is encoded. That is the point of the articles posted on the What No Code Skeptic Can Find page of our site. This issue presents two new articles that are in the same vein. I seriously doubt that we would have had the time and resources to discover such impossible phenomena if we had taken the time to run parallel controls on every ELS extension search.
Using a mathematical model as a substitute for running controls has been a widespread practice among scientists for centuries. Many cornerstones of scientific knowledge have never been validated by conducting an experiment. A mathematical model was derived from observations and the focus was on determining whether that model closely described observed behavior.
Mankind is only beginning to explore the range of potential types of encoding in the Bible. It may well be that the first types of encoding we humans may select could well be quite different than the type or types of encoding that may have been intentionally woven into the Biblical text. So, the most reasonable approach at this early stage of scientific discovery is to try out a wide range of types of phenomena. And that is what we are doing. In a previous article, we described over 20 types of Bible code phenomena. Our goal is to investigate most of these types to determine which seem to have the most unusual and unexpected characteristics.
As we investigate each type of possible phenomenon, we do so with a good yardstick to test the results to see approximately how remote the odds are that that type of phenomenon could be due to chance. We don't want to waste anyone's time by presenting trivial examples, as Drosnin has consistently done.
Best Regards,
Ed Sherman
Director, INBCRS
Continue to A Guide to Navigating Bible Code DNA
Bombshell examines two massive, recently discovered clusters of codes in the Hebrew Old Testament. To read more about Bombshell, click here, or click below to order from Amazon today!