What No Code Skeptic Can Find

Several Lengthy Nested Codes

There are some code phenomena that are so extensive and complex that no code skeptic could possibly find comparable examples from any non-encoded text. They are not to be found, because they don't exist. Prominent code skeptics are more than intelligent enough to know that they don't exist, so they wisely will not expend the effort to look for them.

This is the second in a new series of articles entitled, "What No Code Skeptic Can Find." The first article in this series presents a single code that is so long (296 letters forming 30 sentences) that it cannot be explained by chance.

This article elaborates on the utter complexity of the set of five lengthy nested codes about Mel Gibson that were previously posted in the May 2025 issue of BCD and that presaged Gibson's DUI incident this summer.

Nested Codes

Nested ELSs exist when an additional ELS appears within the original letters of an existing ELS by having its letters:
  • Run in the opposite direction of the original ELS.
  • Run in the same direction as the original ELS, but with a multiple (e.g., double or triple) of the skip of the original ELS.
  • Run in the opposite direction as the original ELS, but with a multiple (e.g., double or triple) of the skip of the original ELS.

A very simple example of nested ELSs is the following:

Wes is an ELS within New Jersey with a skip of plus two.

At the same time, sewn is an ELS within New Jersey with a skip of minus two. This ELS runs in the opposite direction of the original ELS (wes).

This is such a simple example of a nest of ELSs that it should be very easy for a code skeptic to find an example comparable to this in any non-encoded text.

In our efforts to present an example of an extended ELS, we were able to construct one by trial and error. In that example, Wes, you sad is an extended ELS within the surface text, New Jersey, so outstanding!

It actually took quite a bit of work to construct this example. It involved the consideration of different possible ELSs that might make sense simultaneously with considering additional literal text that would make sense that would contain the desired extended ELS, using every other letter of the literal text. It actually took about an hour of work to come up with this example. Try starting with New Jersey as a surface text and see if you can come up with an extended code to wes using different subsequent literal text. It's difficult.

If you've tried coming up with your own example, just imagine how difficult it would be to also encode an ELS within the original one that you found that only used the letters of the original ELS. To do so you would need to simultaneously try different possible extensions you would like to your new ELS, while facing the difficulty that any letters you changed would also change the original literal text as well as the original ELS that you had constructed. The whole exercise rapidly becomes quite mind-boggling.

If you go through this exercise you will quickly appreciate how rapidly the difficulty of encoding two or more nested codes is.

Now imagine how hard it would be to start with a long literal text and encode a 147-letter-long ELS within it. At the same time, suppose you tried to encode a 110-letter-long ELS comprised of the same letters as the original 147-letter-long ELS, but with the ELS running backwards.

If your example were comparable to the two longest nested Gibson codes, you would have to start with the original Gibson ELS and construct 29 additional phrases as extensions to that original ELS. Then you would have to start with a Mel ELS and construct 21 additional phrases as extensions, using letters running in the opposite direction as the Gibson ELS – all the while maintaining a surface text that was intelligible. The following table illustrates the various steps in this process.

Doing the above is impossible, even with the aid of a massive mainframe computer. But then, just to get a point across, the author of the Old Testament went further and encoded three additional nested ELSs. The third ELS is 44 letters long, but with a skip that is double that of the original 147-letter-long code. The fourth ELS is also 44 letters long, but with a skip that is triple that of the original 147-letter-long code. The fifth ELS is 27 letters long, but with a skip that is triple that of the original code, and running backwards.

To further get the point across that no human could have written this encoded text, the author made the content of each of these codes center around one topic: Mel Gibson's weaknesses. As if this weren't enough, the author also included numerous prophetic fragments describing events that occurred in 2025 and 2025.

To gain further appreciation for the complexity of this nesting of five long codes, the next table shows the actual Hebrew letters involved, with alternating colors highlighting each Hebrew word and arrows showing the direction of each ELS.

We could try to add calculations of the improbability of a series of nested codes as long and as tightly enmeshed as the above, but our PC isn't capable of handling odds that remote. We will only state the obvious: these five codes were intentionally embedded in the later books of the Old Testament by an intelligence incomprehensibly greater than that of any human being, or computer.

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