An Introduction to the Range of Types
of Bible Code Phenomena
The types of phenomena described below are illustrated with examples in English, for the sake of most of our readers. However, code researchers almost without exception do not believe there are codes in the English Bible. Bible codes from the Hebrew Bible are in Hebrew and codes from the New Testament are in Aramaic.
Single Forward ELS
Wes is an equidistant letter sequence (ELS) within New Jersey with a skip of plus two.
ELSs can have a skip of any size (one or more).
Single Backward ELS
Sewn is an ELS within New Jersey with a skip of minus two.
Extended ELS
Wes, you sad is an extended ELS within New Jersey, so outstanding! with a skip of plus two.
The letters of a literal text (e.g., the Gettysburg Address) are placed on a "mini-Scrabble board," such as in the example below, with eight letters per row. [There can be any number of letters in a single row.] ELSs with a skip of eight can be seen as words by reading down a single column. For example, in column A, we have the ELSs fen and no. In column C, we have the us ELS. In column G, we have the ova ELS, the vat ELS and the at ELS.
In the above matrix, we also have ELSs with skips of minus eight, which can be seen as words by reading from the bottom up in a single column. For example, in column D, we have the brad ELS.
ELSs can also appear in a matrix in a diagonal direction. For example, starting with the letter in C3 and continuing to the letters in D4 and E5, we have the ELS err with a skip of plus nine. And starting with the letter in H4 and continuing to the letters in G5 and F6, we have the ELS hut with a skip of plus seven.
ELSs can also appear by skipping a consistent number of rows between each letter of the ELS, while reading down a column. For example, starting with the letter in F2 and continuing to the letters in F4 and F6, we have the ELS eat with a skip of plus 16.
ELSs can also appear within a diagonal, while skipping a consistent number of rows between each letter of the ELS. For example, starting with the letter in F1 and continuing to the letters in D3 and B5, we have the ELS car with a skip of plus 14.
One characteristic of matrices is that the skip sizes of the ELSs are all multiples of a single number (eight in the above example), or are close to a multiple of that number. So, 14 is two less than 16, a multiple of eight, and seven is next to eight.
Suppose you were to start with the Gettysburg Address and to arrange its letters, as in the matrix example above, but with many different "mini-Scrabble" boards, each with a different number of columns. So, we would have such boards with widths of five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and every number of columns up to 25. Then, you would search each different board for ELSs, while only including those where at least one letter of the ELS had to appear as part of the word fathers in order to be included in the cluster.
The Fathers cluster would exclude many of the ELSs mentioned above, including fen, no, brad and err.
It would, however, include the hut, eat, and car ELSs. Note that some of these ELSs are very close to fathers in the literal text. For example, the brad ELS includes the last letter in the text before fathers and the first letter after fathers, but it would not be part of the fathers cluster.
To round out the fathers cluster, we would repeat the above matrix searches for mini-Scrabble boards with every allowable number of columns.
Visual Mosaics
These appear within a specific matrix where a small selected number of words appear as ELSs and, if we color the squares occupied by the letters in those ELSs, some kind of visual image appears. Using the same matrix as above, suppose we color in the squares occupied by the eat ELS and the word fat that is part of the literal word fathers in the text. We then have the figure of a cross, which might symbolize the cross over the grave of someone who liked to eat so much that they were fat.
Alternatively, suppose that the eat ELS was actually a fat ELS. We would then have a cross image where a fat ELS crossed a literal fat segment from the surface text.
This phenomenon is explored in Barry Roffman’s book Ark Code. Some examples are accessible from Amazon.
Every one of the 35 letters in the five King David ELSs with the shortest skips in the Bible appear in a verse that mentions David, refers to him or was written by him. We call this phenomena underscoring.
Schwarztman Dialog Mode
This occurs when the code researcher types in a question or a command as a search term and finds that term as an ELS. The researcher then looks for an answer to the question within the matrix defined by the ELS that has been found. This phenomenon is described in greater detail on pages 127–130 of Barry Roffman's book, Ark Code.
Minimal Distance Groups
The leading example of this is "The Famous Rabbi's Experiment," which is described in an Appendix of Michael Drosnin's book, The Bible Code. The Appendix consists of the paper, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis," which appeared in the scientific journal, Statistical Science (1994, Vol. 9, No. 3, pages 429–438).
This article will be expanded in the future to include many additional types of Bible code phenomena. These include:
Complex Versions of ELSs:
- Toroidal wraps
- The DNA model
- Branch ELSs at letter differences in the literal text
- Complex Mosaics
- Atbash (and Other Letter Transformation Schemes)
Unequal Letter Sequences, with spaces defined by:
- First (or last) letter of every literal word
- Fibonacci numbers
- Prime numbers
- Increasing even (or odd) numbers
- Alternating skip sizes, with a frequency of two, three or four letters.
- Anagrams
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